In 2011, Michael Chorost published a truly visionary book called “World Wide Mind: The Coming Integration of Humanity, Machines and the Internet.” It was and remains a really smart book that lays out an evidence-rich case that the melding of humans and machines is not just the futuristic noodling of science fiction writers, but an increasingly likely eventuality.
What makes it so likely, though, is fascinating. As technology hurdles ahead, this melding will be possible. But it’s our human yearning for connection that makes it inevitable.
Marketing is following a similar inevitable path. Technologies from automation to machine learning, virtual reality to artificial intelligence, are giving rise to marketing possibilities that seem infinite (sometimes frighteningly so). But even as they do, we increasingly seek to ground them in what is most meaningful to us as human beings: connection and experience.
The path that marketing is taking is the basis for this blog and a book to be published this fall called "Paradox: Feeling Machines and the Rise of Post-Modern Marketing."